Tuesday 4 September 2012

Knowing where I'm going (self assessment)

My coursework score and target grade

My course score was 167 out of 200 and my the result i got was a (just about) A2. My target grade was a C1 this means i have improved 5 levels on my own target grade (i done an amazing job).

My foundation production score was 88/100 and was graded at a A.
My TV drama and music industry exam grade was 79/100 and was graded at a B

Score boundaries

160 marks are required to get a A
140 marks are required to get a B
120 marks are required to get a C

What can i do to improve this year 

- Stop being so casual about stuff (deadlines need to be taken seriously)
- be more creative with work (not writing pages and pages when a creative option is available)
- take a bigger role in my group (be more involved in the group)
- make sure to comment on my blog and leave annotations (leave reflective comments)
- make sure the coursework films title's make sense and fit into the scenario

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